Information My little story

My name is Baba Solomon. I was born in 1973 in Antsirabe, the city of pousse-pousse and thermal sources. I am member of the Merina tribe from the high plateaux of Madagascar. I studied economics and tourism from 1995 until 1999. My favorite sports are swimming, cycling, martial arts and hiking. Since 2002 I am working as a driver guide and car rental.
I decided to start my own tour company which is based in Antsirabe by the licence N°027-13/MINTOUR/SG/DGDT/DAIT/SAT. I travelled with tourists from several countries like the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, and the USA. Beyond Malagasy, I speak English, Spanish and French. When the toutrist season is finished I work for a project to help the children in the country side. I hope see you soon in Madagascar.
We are all Malagasy, the drivers and guides as well as the manager who have their own experience, which means that it is a Madagascar local company.

Below you find (in alphabetical order) information to help you to prepare your holiday. For more information you can always contact us.
There are ATMs in all major cities. Getting money from an ATM is only possible with a credit card. A Visa card is most convenient.
220 volts, keep in mind that the stream can sometimes fail.
Depending on the country of origin a vaccination against cholera (or just a stamp) is required. For further information on vaccinations and malaria prevention we refer you to a relevant service in your country. We recommend you not to drink tap water, bottled mineral water is widely available.
There are cyber cafes in the major cities. Some hotels offer internet facilities as well. Generally the internet in cyber cafes is cheap, the speed of the connection varies.
You must be in possession of a passport which is valid for at least 6 months upon departure from Madagascar.
You can get a very cheap SIM card in Madagascar. Probably its a lot cheaper to use this instead calling with you own SIM card. There are several providers, including Orange, Telma and Airtel.
Photography and filming
Because of the varied landscape and lots of animals you probably make many pictures in Madagascar. Also in the cities and on the way there are many moments you want to capture. We advise you to ask permission when you want to photograph of film the local people. Sometimes the people ask you to send them the pictures. It would be very appreciated when you do this.
Restaurant come in all varieties. Besides traditional Malagasy
restaurants there are for instance Italian, Chinese and Indian restaurants.
For breakfast you pay about 5 euro, for lunch and diner about 10 euro.
But for a lot less you can have good food as well.
In general, the Malagasy are honest people, but there are always people with bad intentions. The major cities in Madagascar are not less safe than a large western city. Of course you can be robbed like that could happen anywhere, but with a little common sense you can greatly reduce the chance of this. Don’t wear expensive or flashy jewelry and wear a moneybelt under your clothes. In Antananarivo we advice you to take a taxi in the evening. Make a copy or scan of your important documents, this way it’s easier to replace them after loss or theft.
A visa up to 1 month you can get (at the moment for free) at arrival at the airport. A visa up to 3 month is also available at the airport, but not for free.
What should not be missing in your luggage
Keep in mind when you pack your clothes temperatures may be very different.
Even in places where it's warm during the day, the evenings can be cool.
Furthermore are recommended:
walking shoes,
thin rain jacket/poncho,
sun hat/cap,